Division of Curriculum & Instruction

To support teachers with curriculum and instruction.
Supports ASDOE’s mission in that we provide support to schools and the community to that ultimately our students will be successful now and in the future in all content areas that are required by the department.

Our Goals
To facilitate the development of standards and assessments in all content areas;
Provide leadership in the development of courses which are aligned with the territorial standards;
Use data from variety of sources to review and make informed instructional decisionson professional development needs, programs, instructional practices, etc.
The function of the Curriculum and Instruction Division of the Department of Education is to:
Make sure the Standards-Based Curriculum of is taught by teachers and teachers are the chief implementers in the classrooms.
Responsible for reviewing Teachers' and Student's resources to support Standards-based Curriculum
Conduct classroom visitations and provide teachers professional development to ensure Content knowledge in the Curriculum is being addressed and teachers are resourceful when delivering to the diversity of learners.
Prepare and Review Standards-Based Assessment items for Summative Assessment requirement
Collaborate with internal and external partners on special projects to promote STEAM, mental and social health
Review intervention programs to support literacy in classrooms.